From Stockholm, Sweden
Joined: 26th of May 1916, Age 39
Taken on Strenght: 10th of January 1917, then transferred to the 16th Canadian infantry battalion Bn 9th of May 1917.
Fought in: 16th Canadian Infantry Bn, transferred from 14th reserve Bn.
Circumstances of death:
Axel is advancing with his unit through the village Aix Noulette towards Bully-Grenay, to the trenches in the area of Cite St Pierre, Lens. The unit has during some days been attacked by gas, but even if Axel are affected by this gas, he dies the 13th of September of gun shot wounds at the hospital i Calais. He was earlier in this hospital as well, probably then in to cure his injuries from earlier gas attacks.
Awarded: British War medal and Victory Medal
Buried or Commemorated in: Buried in Calais Southern Cemetery, France